The raw emotion captured by one's failed attempt to sabre a champagne bottle
Link readied the sabre to strike it down upon the neck of the bottle. He fails

Gav: "Look at the shame!"

Dan turns to him

Dan: "I've never seen slow motion shame before."

Gav: "We've captured a raw emotion"
by LordKitchener'sKitchenUtensils September 27, 2019
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Also know as THE shame, when something is shamefull.
Oats: Lisa's not coming to your house now 'cause Dan's got borbons at he's.

by Beadle September 29, 2003
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Shame - Noun
-An STE (Sexually Transmitted Emotion), bought about by having sex with an STD/STI riddled whore.
-Shame is an STE and therefore is not impeded by condoms or other forms of protection.
1-"You had sex with that slag last night?"
1-"You my friend, have Shame."
by A Chert Elf February 23, 2011
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shames is a girl who will steal your heart. she is loving and caring and will make you happy any day. if you ever date a shames you will never want to be out of that relationship as you will be truely happy with her and she will mend your broken heart. i am dating a shames and without her i would stop breathing and my world would stop turning. i love you baby
shames is MY baby
by making stuff January 26, 2020
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When someone says something that mildly or greatly upsets someone, you should say shame.
person 1: I failed my biology exam !
person 2: Shame...
by wow_vaclav December 19, 2019
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