the is a guy named gavin that has a small dick and will pull it out for girls that will laugh at him. Gavin will never have sex and a pussy when it comes to party.
there gavin schultz goes again he is humping the girls leg again
by harry the baller September 12, 2016
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In golf, when one hits a really bad shot, the golfer makes another shot, while his/her partners look away, muttingering to themselves, "I see nothing, I hear nothing, I feel nothing," from Sargent Schultz from Hogan's Heroes. It is like a mulligan, but it doesn't count as one.
I'm taking a Sargent Schultz shot here. We say, "OK."
by profpaulv September 24, 2020
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Kissing someone while their shitting.

Synonym: San Diego thank you
Dude, Nick just gave James a San Diego Schultze and now he has ptsd while having a BM.
by KahnJeremy May 11, 2022
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To tell your buddies you are going with them, renig, then go out to try to "one up" them.
Hey bro, where the hell is Dave? I thought he was coming too. Man.... did you just see him drive the other way? Yeah, I was going that way before we stopped here to eat. I thought he just took a wrong turn. He just finished the work I started. I guess he pulled a Dirty Schultz on us.
by A-8.5 November 3, 2010
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the nicest sweetest person you have ever met. Shes perfect and always knows how to make you smile.
bro 1:Hey bro who u hanging with

bro 2: im hanging with sunny schultz
bro 1 : damn your one lucky man
by Dilldoeeater May 10, 2022
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