A YouTuber who gets depression and don’t give a shit to her fans
Ribs fans: ribs roblox, I know you have depression I’ll make your day good.
Ribs: shut the fuck up bitch
by A Mf who likes ribs June 19, 2023
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a guy or girl who is your everything, your boo, you life partner.
Chris: Hey girl you my rib, i love you :)
Girl: i love you too :)
by Vibez June 17, 2005
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the woman made from adam's rib
Eve is a rib woman
by raptor jebus December 23, 2008
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A large gap between someone's two front teeth. So large that they can strip the meat off of a rib by simply sliding it through their teeth.
by Peanut06 June 22, 2010
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1. Noun: Referred to as the 'The Prime Rib'; equivalent definition to the phrase 'the illest'; "the bees knees"

2a. However, can be used as an adjective in which 'prime rib' refers to something that is 'cool, tight, or sweet/distinctively awesome'. Synonyms include: dope, crack, fresh

2b. In any situation, derivation of phrase can be used.
Esp. to describe a female's admirable characteristics.
Just bought a leather toilet seat; that shit is the prime rib.

*No other examples are necessary.*
by Dr. Douchebag January 26, 2011
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a condition induced by consuming a large quantities of pork products, or a lesser quantity of highly seasoned pork products, marked by painful indigestion, heartburn and possibly diarrhea.
Rich ate vast amounts of highly seasoned pork products and is now suffering from rib shits.
by shittinribs September 13, 2010
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When you eat a shit load of ribs and you have the sauce all over your face
Guy 1 : "Oy man look at the rib grin on that fat guy eating ribs"

Guy 2 : "Geez! That guy loves hes ribs that is the biggest rib grin ive ever seen!"
by timed58 June 4, 2012
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