MinecraftBeats. A little nigerian boy, naked, running from the cops after he ddosed Dora the Explorer's Crew.
That little Pleb!
by Alex. G November 12, 2014
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kinda like a tosser, but not as harsh. Little like a mong, or muppet, or if you are american its like a nerd.
what Tony blair is.
by manslayer December 21, 2003
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Basically a stupid internet term used to "insult" people. Commonly used along with the words "cuck" and "noob".
All in all, one who uses the term pleb is an idiot.
"hahaahahahha that person is such a pleb XD such cringeeeee!!!!!"
"no. just no."
by xylo is a satanist January 10, 2018
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Short for plebeian. Someone with very basic, boring, or generic taste. They have no interest in the artistic value of things.
Somebody who probably has a penis, but probably not a big one.

Somebody who you just think shut the fuck up every time they speak.
"Hey have you ever seen a westhamunitedfc.news instagram post?"
"Lol who's that? He's got a weird name. My favorite instagram accounts don't get deleted. Also, wtf happened to Xololt? He was doing cool fifa streams and then he, like, started playing LoL instead."
"Wow, you're such a pleb."
by Egyptian Sudain December 7, 2019
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by Uxckkkk March 21, 2019
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To allow vaginal discharge to ferment. The discharge is commonly harvested and eaten for nutrients and it's revitalizing properties.
"Hey, do you want to go out tonight?"

"No, I need some time to pleb."
by Plebmaster98 November 6, 2022
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