That girl's boobs brushed up against me on the way to the bathroom and I pied!

I almost fell off of my bike just now and I pied!

My roommate walked in while I was wackin' it and I pied!
by KooterT February 7, 2010
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let me get a pie
by PaRaDoX February 6, 2004
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Another name for the female genitals. Used mainly for a larger or puffy genital region.
Oh dude! Look at the pie on her!
by Adam Harigast February 3, 2005
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Word used in abundance, spiffy word. Used at random, and shouted. Only cool but weird people can say this.
by omgz0rdubbslikespie March 17, 2004
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AHHH! the ruler of the freaking universe! bow down to ur ultimate leader! PIE! all kinds of pie... I HEART PIE!!!!! the the greastest random word in the fuking galaxy!
ME!: PIE!!! (screams)
Ebony: fuk Dale ur obsesed u bitch, calm down
ME!: ur just JEALOUS because i am PIE-WORTHY!!!
Ebony: yeh well we'd all be happee 4 u if u were a pie... id eat u.. yum
ME!: id eat u 2 bby, id eat u too...
by xXSlightlyOddGirlXx April 8, 2008
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A beautiful/sexy/cute/etc girl. (Noun)
"Where's my Pie at?"
by cnutTM January 15, 2006
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