The common act of everything going tits up at once, as seen by increasing the difficulty of Pro Evolution Soccer to anything above 3 atars.

Usual signals of the PES Effect include:
Pschic powers of opponents to read your mind
Telekinetic powers of opponents to make every bounce go their way
Powers of teleportaion so that whenever you do get a lucky break, they are there to steal the ball
The inability of your players to pass
The absolute certainty that when you do get a chance on goal, your centre back who can't hit a barn door is there to take the shot
The internet packing up as you try to write this kind of rant

It usually results in turning the difficulty down to one star and giving the computer a good thrashing "to show it who's boss"; hitting anyone/anything within reach or assaulting anything within throwing distance with a playstation controller

It can also happen in many everyday situations such as during brain surgery, when you drop your scalpel into the patient's head and trip on a bit of brain on the floor at the same time. Then, after you retrieve the scalpel from the cranial cavity...they die; this results in you throwing the scalpel/the patient at any nearby nurses proclaiming "you did your best"
"Damn this PES Effect, I can't even get the fucking ball, let alone score!"

"Wahey, I've got a chance here...oh shit it's Stremer (wank centre back on PES)... and it's into the crowd. This is all because of the PES Effect."

"The PES Effect is wank"

"HA, 27-0 to me, take that you fucking computer and your shitty PES Effect."

"Don't worry doctor, it was the PES Effect, you did nothing wrong...WHY ARE YOU THROWING SCALPELS AT ME!!!!"
by Gregisthebest June 11, 2008
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To drink urine out of an In-N-Out Soda Cup.
Yo John wanna pe pim later?
by hommo zapien March 18, 2021
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The feeling of intense anger and hatred that surfaces whilst/after playing a game of PES (Pro Evolution Soccer), this usually occurs when decisions WRONGLY go against you, or the opposing team score in the last minute to either draw or win. Noteable side effects include a broken Xbox/Playstation controller.
After breaking his controller in a fit of PES rage, Max felt empty and stupid.
by J August 12, 2008
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A Les Paul Standard with the neck and head as the body and the body as the neck and the head.
by guitargod900 June 29, 2011
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A student, usually Middle - High School who show a great amount of athletic talent, but only makes it apparent in Gym Class.
Person 1: Did you see Joe? He's so good at basketball, he should try out for the team!
Person 2: No way man, Joe's a PE Baller.
by UrbanKnight1 May 19, 2013
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Small Podunk Town, famous for it's imbreeding and bad sports teams. Contains only two stores, one of which being a gas station, one school (K-12 only about 300 kids in the whole school) and it's one restuarant (Go Eveys)
Thats disgusting, why don't you and your sister go do that in Pe Ell?
by Colton Charlton April 11, 2006
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