A person without an original thought who gets all their ideas directly from the internet or TV. They will often change positions 180 degrees without blinking an eye, just because they saw something new on their Screens.
Me talking to someone who fully supported vax mandates (Your body, our choice) last week ranting and raving about abortion rights (My body, my choice) this week: "You do realize that's exactly the opposite of what you were saying last week, don't you? Are you a Google-parrot, or what?"
by Prod Igalson June 27, 2022
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When you are at the movies (on a date or with friends) and there is an irritating asshole in front of you, making noise or talking, you pull your ball sack out, rest it on his shoulder, and you shout "BAKAW" (bird noise, works for better effect if you make a parrot noise, whatever that may be).
This non-gentleman at the movies last weekend kept sneezing. My girlfrind and I could not hear our movie so we got pissed. I decided to take things into my own hands, bald parrot time, to shut this fucker up once and for all. I pulled my shaved nut sack out, gently sat it on his shoulder, a screamed BAKAW!!! He got the point that he was being a noisy asshole, and he left. Problem solved.
by badossnotbadass July 11, 2008
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When you choke a (fe)male until they start repeating shit you say.
Guy 1: So did you fuck her last night?
Guy 2: Yeah, I parrot-choked her an she started repeating everything I said, even my groans!
by Madorgavannah May 30, 2019
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The act of invading somebody's personal space by resting your crotch on that persons shoulder, much like a parrot on a pirate's shoulder. Mostly found on overcrowded commuter trains, but has been known to happen in an office environment.
I hate rush hour, it's not even 9am and some suit has already tried to give me the Crotch Parrot.
by AMooseinBrighton December 4, 2013
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A person who people think is funny... but in truth all they're doing is quoting lines from funny movies, t.v. shows, or other media.
Annoyed person #1: Dude, why do people think Ben is so funny? All he ever does is quote Dane Cook.
Annoyed person #2: Yeah man, guys a total line parrot... and douche.
by Brock Boneswell November 17, 2009
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The ability to consciously regurgitate information given to you and repeat it with no subconscious thought. Repeating ideas and thoughts of others said to you as if your own for personal gain. Copying others work and repeating it as your own.
Jane just told me the exact story that Susan told her last week as if it happened to her; she clearly has Parrot-Syndrome.
by Goddess Writer May 22, 2018
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A shoulder parrot is when you walk up behind somebody who is sitting down and proceed to rest your testicles and penis on their shoulder. Bonus points if you say "Ahoy captain!"
Chris took my seat so I rewarded him with a fine shoulder parrot. Arrr!
by Fygg Nuuton February 1, 2014
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