A person who comes to people's houses to eat all their food and smoke their weed without pitching in.
A Rat will want to go to your house only to tell you at the last minute that he is out of money a day after he was paid.
by your.dude2020@ February 25, 2020
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A smart member of the rodent family, which includes squirrels. It usually is kept as a pet, but city rats can eat leftovers.
Rats in the city (city rats) can be a problem that could have been solved in a simple way, but is not solved. The problem that lets city rats thrive? Human failure and ignorance.
by Qorptocx December 23, 2018
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Pronounced - "(verbal click with tongue)-rats"
A feeling of dread or uneasiness that comes from a sudden realization of a potential problem or danger.
"This place is giving me a !rats feeling"
by DimRsat2222 March 14, 2023
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Not your typical rat. This is a saying used in an insulty manner. It has to be used with a capital A because the A is very emphasized.
by BitchWithDumbDefinitions November 28, 2021
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a crusty dusty musty rusty nasty fat rat. they are a fucking bully who is far beyond asshole or motherfucker. they will literally bully u until they die. if u have someone in ur life like this, u should punch them in the face.
omg look at him hes such a rat
by Mi$ha bitch October 30, 2023
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