Bill Nye the Adolf Guy is a guy who hates and kills Jews for fun, he’s a hero to some but to others he’s a fucking faggot.
by Nigward_2.0 September 12, 2019
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cydnay is bill nye
cydnay why u lookin like bill nye the cydnay guy
by cydnaaaaaay November 25, 2019
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Noun (professional vernacular);
Shortened form: Bill Nye

The grade attributed to college work that is especially poor, incomprehensible, or which otherwise provokes a negative response from the grader, i.e. "Jesus Horatio Christ on a jet-ski, this paper is fucking awful."

Symbolized by a frowny face drawn in feces (preferriby non-human, but results may vary according to circumstances) on the physical copy of the student's paper.

Etymology: a variation of the pornographic and scatological practice known as the Dirty Sanchez.
Great jumping skyscrapers of fetid whale excrement, this pile of regurgitated crap gets a Bill Nye the Science Guy!
by Anonymous Tall Guy February 5, 2011
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He's not a real fucking scientist. He's a D-List celebrity that was brought back into the media because 90's babies craved the nostalgia. If you believe any of the shit that spews out of his mouth... then congrats! you have been bamboozled into believing the political propaganda hes's been lazily shitting out on his new Netflix show. If you loved what he had to say in his old show you watched educationally in elementary school, then say no more fam! Actually, FORGET EVERYTHING he said before!! Go ahead and take everything he taught you before, and fuck it raw! Because now, he's back and worse off than ever! No real science! Just opinion, and terrible acting! What he's the best at! And if that begins to bore you, because he's not as funny as he thinks he is, why don't you pull up a video of him arguing even more childish than Donald Trump with REAL scientist and meteorologists! Listen to him as he shouts, "WRONG. WRONG. YOU'RE WRONG" to people who have devoted their entire lives to researching, and studying real facts! The ones that explore real issues and new scientific theories, because, uh, Bill....we found out there are only two genders like....................well forever ago! Who else but Bill that created himself a stage name and a character and still portrays it. Because we all know who has stage names!!! Musicians, performers and actors!! Good job Bill........
Bill Nye The Science Guy is a fucking Cuck
by haytherefriend March 5, 2018
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