When Oneself Is So Substandard He/She Is Considered To Be Adorable And Or Attractive.
Hey That Judd Character Is Pretty Cute!
No See, He Just Has The Manatee Effect Goin For Him
The What?
Manatee Effect. When He Looks Like A Sloth From The Goonies, But Is Cute Because Of His Extensive Hideousness

Like A Manatee.
by Doucheon Mandick!! March 6, 2010
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A manatee with spiked battle armor ready to kill AAAALLLLLL!
a battle manatee is a manatee in a bloody dooom jousting compotition
by lizard0004 February 6, 2008
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a bomb that is concealed in the womb of female manatees so that it can pass into enemy waters unoticed. the bomb is hard to detect due to manatees already being fat beyond all belief. Bombs can be atomic bombs if nessisary.
The skilled general used a manatee bomb to destroy unsuspecting tourists.
by fred the tapeworm April 29, 2005
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Contrary to popular belief, the Manatee bomb is actually lingo among the african american society for Oprah's astronomical ego which may or may not surpass the ego of Kanye West.
obese American 1: "Dude, Oprah just told me she can walk on water!!"

obese American 2: "Nah man, that's just Oprah dropping the Manatee bomb"
by Trev^2 July 31, 2006
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Knocking a girl out with a person's stomach while tittyfucking her.
Taylor manatee punched a girl the other night and now she has a black eye.
by Devotoare April 4, 2015
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when someone starts mouthing or giving you the stink eye, you run up with your arms spread wide or at your sides and repeatedly bump your chest into their chest until they submit to your greatness
-"That dude keeps looking at me weird"
-"Manatee fight!"
by MC Bubbles November 28, 2011
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Noun: A large, gelatinous woman who's tits look like she's carrying a large pizza under each arm. Host to Kankles, FUPA's, (fat upper pussy area,) and major back cleavage. Usually found with at least 17 items in the ten item or less line at your local Wal-mart, haggling the clerk over the validity of expired Little Debbie coupons. Often times riding electric scooters designated for the handicapped, though their sense of entitlement suggests they deserve them more. NEVER step between a land manatee and it's prey. Like hippos, they are responsible for more deaths every year than lions and sharks combined. Especially if you step on their chalupa FUPA...
"Holy FUCK, bro! Do you see the GIRTH on that Gorgon?"
"Yeah, man. That is a fucking land manatee... Back away slowly before she stampedes.I don't feel like being gored... "
by PhillipHarass October 12, 2014
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