When you insert a Toblerone up the anal cavity and rip it out furiously similar to that of a pull cord on a lawn mower. For added effect make them eat grass whilst this is happening.
I have her the Swiss lawn mower
by The Swiss banker October 11, 2018
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When you insert a Toblerone up the anus and rip it out fast in a similar motion to starting a pull cord lawn mower

NOTE:be quick it might melt
I gave her the Swiss lawn mower.shes in hospital now. R. I. P
by The Swiss banker October 11, 2018
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When you pull an Asian girl's vagina hairs out with your teeth and spit them out in their face. It is 4:57 in the morning and I have gotten no sleep so here's a definition.
Brad: Dude I went over to Ming Ling's house and she wanted me to do a taiwanese lawn mower!
Chad: What the dick queef! That's crazy!
Drad: why am i alive,,, mitochondria
by Lick.My.Dick December 1, 2019
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: when a dad over the age of 30 beats his meat to his freshly mowed lawn
Hey son wanna mow the lawn so we can jerk off to it. American Lawn mower
by Wolvesgottalong September 10, 2021
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