The girl who scraps yer over a photo and tries to brake your back on a windowsill throws shoes at mouths and toblerones at eyes but she’s a bit funny ig 🙄 rlly cool dood very gorj girliepop ❤️❤️❤️ if you meet an iz wizz your very lucky 🍀 🤪
by Greenbean908654321 December 6, 2021
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To randomly mention the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta in a non-related conversation.
I was trying to talk with Gunrock about the remaining tasks, but he continued to Delta-ize the conversation and no progress was made.
by #Gregorygross August 8, 2013
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1. Similar to is all good and its all good in specific meaning, with even fewer consonants. Consonants = haters.

2. Concluding comments used by guest motivational speakers at public school seminars, namely those with "rap star" credentials. After fifteen minutes of largely unintelligible gibberish and lip-smacking, the speaker flashes a quick sign and mumbles, "... iz good," followed by wild applause, hooting, sign flashing and head banging of the students and teachers alike in the Title 1 school.
"Niggas!, isn't just the blacks
also a gang of mutha-fuckas dressed in blue slacks
They say niggas hang in packs and their attitude is shitty
Tell me, who's the biggest gang of niggas in the city
They say niggas like to do niggas,
Throw me in the cuffs with just two niggas
A street walkin' nigga and a beat walkin' nigga with a badge
I had to shoot yah and the pass for the blast take his cash
And bash his head in dump him at the dead in
And that's just his luck
Cause a nigga like me
don't really give a fuck"

",,, iz good."

(Whooop, whooop, whooop!)

by OldManMemphis January 16, 2008
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I iz is a blob-like character of the species Zizz. He is the leader of all Zizzes, although it's a mystery how Zizzes can tell each other apart, for they all are pretty much identical (except for the occasional size difference). I iz was created back in, oh, say 1998 or so by Michael Mesorana (aka Tibby or Poofmeister), and stars (along with other Zizzes)in a series of short cartoons made by Will Buck (aka Vlad). See I iz's quotes below:
"But I iz whut you iz when we iz not me waz. Iz you?"

"I iz been done cut. Hey."

"Gimme that hat."

"I iz be not going to not no movies. I like to sit."

...And the number one, most famous phrase... the one that started it all...
"I iz who I iz."
by FouyA August 27, 2003
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When someone is known to always see the negative or down-side of things...tending to make everything seem awful.
Our meetings go well and are upbeat until the point when Sarah chimes in and "awful-izes" everything.
by K. Guerriero August 31, 2008
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When a dirt leg is assraped while passed out out drunk and never knows it happend. She only thinks she took a huge shit the next morning.
That poor girl got Anal-ized for the 3rd time last night.
by Cheesepacker69 January 27, 2020
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What happens when one interacts with an emo. They become emo-ized.
Person 1: What happened to him? he used to be all happy and stuff.
Person 2: He started dating that emo chick and she emo-ized him.
by Pebbles2 August 13, 2011
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