When you shit and it feels like its a small tree sized mega log but it turns out to be rabbit turd sized mini balls

When your shit feels big and it really is small and visa versa.
Wow dude that fecal illusion was intense. Like it felt really just ginormous coming out but when i looked at it, like a good citizen, it was really small. Frickin trippy dude.
by the see-ma-wae January 22, 2010
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A gay male who attempts to make himself appear much more masculine than he really is.
That queen is giving butch illusions on his internet dating profile.
by Drewford28 January 9, 2014
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It's what illusion of gaia was called in Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
Why'd they change the name for the pal version? Illusion of Gaia was such a better name...
by Marbarian May 23, 2005
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A doujin visual novel developed by 4 radical Fullmetal Alchemist fans in 2004. The 4 collage students who came together to make this game tried to make some money off of it. Sadly, the copywrite infringement was enough so that it only managed to sell 100 copies world wide making it one of the rarest anime-based games in history.

The story takes place after the events of the 7th volume in the manga (so right around the end of season 1 of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.) It's an alternative universe which asks a simple question. "What if Alphonse got his body back early on?" The game is widely known for having a character which is referred to as "Pride Edward".
Bluebird's Illusion has yet to have been translated as of August 2011, and the written translations of the game are scattered and somewhat broken. An attempt by youtuber "BluebirdsCircle" has been made to make an English dub out of it which remains as of now the most accurate translation.
by Jeankins August 11, 2011
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When you see a girl from Masconomet High School the first time, she looks alright or maybe even kinda hot. The second time you see her your wondering how drunk you mustve been but then realize you were not drunk, it was just a masco illusion.
Catie and Danielle looked good when I saw them last week but at last night's party I realized those witches were just a masco illusion.
by Mike V. February 23, 2008
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When you have a wet dream of Squidward tickling your raunchy taint after a 5 round gangbang on sandys cheeks
AYO squidfoo hit hard with that tentacle illusion last night he had me giggling while I was in sandy
by Little Durfwagon January 28, 2022
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When something goes wrong and you are made to look like a fucking dumb cunt.
*person fucks something up*
Person: "Well that's a riptical illusion!" HAHahaHahHahHahhhahah
by moir123 July 28, 2018
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