Husk is an adjective to describe who looks dirty, or doesn’t care about their appearance. Often has greasy hair or dirty fingernails.
Synonym for musty, minging, dirty looking
Person 1: Look at that lass, she’s minging
Person 2: Yeah, she’s husk mate
by beaverbol March 16, 2021
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The pit on the inside of popcorn which always gets stuck in your teeth
"Yo man last night I was watching a scary movie with bae and I got jumpscared and popcorn went every where,I guess you could say :the husks travelled."
by Urnan32 October 28, 2019
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A female meth addict thats known for clogging the toilet.
Damn that husk, did it again!
by :boyloco: January 29, 2022
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An adjective for “jacking off.”
Hey imma head out, gotta go husk the cob, and throw a load of laundry in the dryer.
by MattyB69 November 3, 2018
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When you crap a popcorn husk from last night’s movie snack and recognize it for what it really is.
Yo Kevin… I was banging this dame in the turd cutter last night and she jettisoned a butt husk out on my Johnson. Damn, son.
by D-Stroyer September 16, 2023
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