a friend in need's a friend indeed.
a friend with weed is better.
a friend with breasts and all the rest.
a friend who's dressed in leather.
who's your best friend?

that dominatrix with the big titties smokin' a blunt and beggin' me to fuck her.
by the fishy May 1, 2005
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person you call when you are in jail to bail you out.
true friend:
person sitting next to you in jail saying, "man, we fucked up big this time"
true friend: man, we fucked up, but it was worth it.
you: yeah, they will never be able to ger all that shit off their house!
by sean hickey November 17, 2005
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a friend is someone you should be able to trust but can't because they are constantly stabbing you in the back and are always mad at you. And no matter how much you want to get away from them you jus can't because they would like to see else then for you to get hurt and everyone to stop liking you. A friend should be someone you can turn to and trust yet most completley turn on you and dont care about you or how you feel because they are completley self centered and their goal in life is to see you unhappy.
My friend is a complete loser and i cant stand her because all she wants is attention and could care less about me and jus can't wait to see me unhappy.
by fruit of the loom April 16, 2004
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A vague and ambiguous term used by many females, typically used to covertly describe a male associate with whom they have sexual relations.
Ohh Landquisha, I called up my friend last night to come over and lay some pipe. He beat up my coochie better than the LAPD!
by 2slick2pretty July 25, 2003
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(v) To friend

to add to your friends list on your internet journal
LJ User 1: Hey! Will you please friend me?
LJ User 2: I friended you last weekend, stupid.
by Marina November 16, 2004
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1. A fuck buddy
2. A partner for sex
"I have a lot of friends"
by Ellie Nash January 15, 2007
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