Warning, minor spoiler alert!!
Jules Winnfield samuel L. jacksonand Vincent Vega john travolta are two hitmen who are out to retrieve a suitcase stolen from their employer, mob boss Marsellus Wallace. Wallace has also asked Vincent to take his wife Mia out a few days later when Wallace himself will be out of town. Butch Coolidge is an aging boxer who is paid by Wallace to lose his next fight. The lives of these seemingly unrelated people are woven together comprising of a series of funny, bizarre and uncalled-for incidents.
Pulp fiction Best line ever

Vincent vega: Marvin what do you make of all this?
Marvin: Man, i, ahh, y... i don't have an opinion.
Vincent vega: Man you gatta have an opinion. (sarcasticly) do you think god came down from heaven and stopped... BANG!
(both yelling)
Jules winfield: awww man, what the fucks happening?
VV:ohhh shit
JW: shit what the fuck.
VV: (dissapointedly) aww man i shot marvin in the face.

by ElTimmy2 October 15, 2009
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The temporary change in personality that occurs after being deeply involved with a movie, book, game, or some other work of fiction.

Can also be expanded to nonfiction ("documentary lag" or some other variant), but is less common because those works are typically experienced through the frame of the reader/player/watcher's default personality.
CHRIS: Don't think. Don't hesitate. Just say it.

ASHLEY: Why are you talking like that?

CHRIS: What?

ASHLEY: You sound like a movie trailer. Is this because you just finished watching Fight Club?

CHRIS: Uhh... yeah I guess I'm a little fiction lagged.
by PaleBlueYacht February 20, 2011
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What Morbius is
Bro have you seen peak fiction

Of course and I loved when he said I gonna MORB
by yomomfat June 18, 2022
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Science Fiction is an adventure, mystery, drama (heck, any genere) that has some basis in a scientific fact or wild theory (faster that light space travel is a great example). The level of research, or reality towards the science determines what kind of science fiction it is. For example, Star Wars uses a few facts (or crazy theories if you prefer), such as the idea of FTL travel through "hyperspace"; but since it's all pretty improbable, star wars type stuff is considered "space opera". Just unplug your analytical mind and watch the pretty lightsabers.

If the science is sound and well-researched, like some of Ben Bova's (one example, there are many other authors) writing, than it's considered "hard" science fiction and calls on a broad knowledge base of popular science. Knowing a little bit about the physics or chemistry (or history sometimes) helps you appreciate and enjoy this kind of science fiction.
Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlefield Earth (the book) = "light" science fiction, space opera

Robert Heinlein's future history (Methuselah's Children), Ben Bova's Jupiter, or Asteroid Wars, Frank Herbert's Dune (a little fantastical, but the ecological background is neat)
= "hard" sci-fi
by Possum King January 23, 2006
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“Do you know the manga Vagabond?”
Yes, that’s peak fiction”
by bobthegoated May 17, 2022
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You say what one more time. Go ahead, say it!

Don't snort heroin up your nose
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