A slang term for male masturbation. The hand makes a zero and gets divided by the penis.
Cameron spent the whole day dividing by zero in his bedroom.
by ChowderMarianatedNips September 13, 2011
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Actually, there are 52 weeks of seven days plus one extra day per non-leap year. If you check consecutive non-leap years, you might notice that each date moves forward one day. This is due to the 365th day.
8/23/06 was a Wednesday, 8/23/07 will be a Thursday
365 divided by 52 = 7.019.
by JimmmEh! August 24, 2006
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Is the unholy creation and creates a humorous reaction from Siri
Hey Siri what's 0 divided by 0?
by dfdfbdfbb January 9, 2017
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The answer is 0, If you divide a number by 0, the answer is 0. But if you divide a number by the same number, it is 1, but 0 is less than 1. So the answer is 0.
0 Divided by 0
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Known expression:
What is 0 divided by 0?
Some people say it's 0, some people say it's 1, some people say it's undefined, some people say it's infinity and some people say that it's Not a Number. Only one of these answers are correct. The correct one is that it's Not a Number.
You: Hey siri, what's 0 divided by 0?
Siri: Intermediate
You asking to 10 people in 5 groups: What's 0 divided by 0?
1st group: Infinity
2nd group: It's not a number.
3rd group: It's undefined!
4th group: It's 0.
5th group: It's 1.
You: Group 2 wins!
by goblin-01 February 17, 2018
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