Dip is a form of smokeless tobbacco, which is finer cut than chew, and is chemicially cured. Used by putting a "pinch" of the stuff between your bottom lip and gum, or less commonly the upper lip.

YOU DO NOT CHEW ON DIP! The result would be a disgusting mess, and would most likely cause you to swallow some. Swallowing dip will make make you feel very sick, and you will more than likely puke.

Used commonly among males in the Southeast US. About 75% of the males in my area use dip, including me.
Non-dipper: That shit is disgusting!

Me: It's just ground up plants you fucktard. Here, try some.

Non-dipper: Ok!
*puts a fat dip in*
This stuff is great!

Non-dipper then procedes to vomit, as I look on and laugh.
by GROZZLEH March 13, 2009
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A person displaying characteristics of being silly, ridiculous, and/or idiotic, in an endearing manner or context.
You're such a dip!

You may be the hugest DIP I've ever encountered!

Yo mama's such a dip, she'd go well with chips!
by girlfromthenorthcountry September 1, 2010
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to run fast away from something
Jeff dipped when he saw the Po-Po's
by BigJeff December 9, 2003
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(V., intransitive.) To exit, flee, leave, or escape the scene where you currently reside.
Yo, man, that nigga over there is whack! I'm 'bout to dip. Peace.
by Droctagon April 17, 2006
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someone that is stupid or does something stupid; retarded, another way of saying retarded; short for dipshit
1) wow that guy is such a dip
2) hes got to be dip
by r3t4rd January 4, 2007
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Detroit slang coined by the infamous "Jerry Battle". This term refers to members of the female sex, typically those who are very attractive and have a decent, if not, respectable reputation.
I hear a lot of fine dips are going to be at the party.
by Twilight Wolf March 27, 2008
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Chew tobacco. Commonly found in the "southern" United States. I.E: Skoal,Timberwolf,Cope,Cougar,Kodiak,Redman.
"Hey, hand me my tin of dip-for-my-lip."
"I'm buzzing hard on that pinch of dip."
by Epyon. January 8, 2004
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