We <3 you Coscos!!!
by Timmy J May 21, 2003
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A loser who bullys kids that wont fight back and thinks he's the absolute king of everything he is also a HUGE Keyboard Warrior! with a 9inch
Mathew Cosmo: Wanna fight cunt!?
Small kid: NO!
Big guy: Wanna fight cosmo?
Mathew Cosmo: Leave me alone or i'm telling!
by Loser Theory June 6, 2011
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An international criminal, wanted by the FBI for smugglung glue into the country, thats right, hes a paste smuggler
Wake up Cosmo Jenkins, this is the FBI, we have a bagel
by Vinnie da Homeskillet January 14, 2005
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a drinking game where everyone has nicknames and people pound the table (fist fist clap) and a person says their nickname and then someone else's. then the named person does the same, and it continues around. there are usually gestures used alongside these nicknames. once someone messes up, the whole table proceeds to chant "HAHA FUCK YOU! HAHA FUCK YOU!" repeatedly while they drink.
"GORILLA! BLONDIE!" -gestures-
"BLONDIE! C-SPAN!" -gestures-
by brown sugar12456127 March 27, 2009
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One of the most legendary and greatest speedrunners of all time, noted for previous fastest completion of Ocarina Of Time, Wind Waker, Paper Mario, Castlevania64, and a few others. Through Twitch.tv, Cosmo has become one of the most well known in the speedrunning community, and famously set various world records. Aside from that, he has also attended many speedrun themed charity events; most noteably, GamesDoneQuick. Despite all of this however, he is now retired from speedrunning.
"Damn i died in the poison water. I pulled a Cosmo Wright!"
by Whump September 5, 2016
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someone who stumbles over themselves on a regular basis. Someone who is not well dressed, or shaven. Has money, but no one knows why. Similar to the character in Sienfeld. Someone who doesn't really have a job. Eager to trip, spit, snort, and act out in a foolish mannor.
Spock totally just pulled a cosmo kramer. He totally just tripped and fell on the ground. He fell on a huge pile of dog shit and just kept on walking like nothing happened.

Tim just cosmo kramerd. He ate his own bugers and thought no one saw it.
by sasha o. September 25, 2006
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An alcoholic drink that has been drugged.
Mom: watch out for men who want make your drink a cosby cosmo at the club.
by Aynonmous August 2, 2015
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