April 24th

No definition needed
you touch a human wrong, especially on this National Castrate-a-Muther-Fucker Day , ANYONE has the right to castrate-a-muther-fucker by means of their choice.
by SteveNeffer April 20, 2021
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When some thing, usually a joke, is worsened by removing parts of it, most often because of reasons like morality, censorship or being afraid of social consequences.
Ex. 1:
"Hey have you seen that new episode of this show already? It was pretty good IMO"
"Yeah, but they castrated a Grinch with that Tianmen Square joke near the end"
Ex. 2:
"Did you know that they had to remove like 1/3 of the script just because she didn't like it?"
"What? No way! They would never castrate a Grinch like this!"
by GalaxyPL December 2, 2021
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The destruction of people’s ability to become socially mature through generations due the increasingly overprotective way we raise our children.
Person 1: I wasn’t allowed to play on the streets in my suburban neighborhood ever when I was a kid!
Person 2: Sounds like social castration!
by gooffahh September 11, 2022
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A herbal remedy for women and children for all ages pre year 2004 where you remove the penis head and the testes of the judges who hurt you by admitting the amount of nuclear weapons in America with your families 21000 welding gas containers scares you more than world wars a search quested for my every illegal black kid.
by Cody5050 December 20, 2022
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Fidel Castro's "ration" (ray-shi-on) that he formed in Cuba from 1959 to 2008. Castro wanted to create his own name for his nation, he did this by changing the N in nation to R. Castro then added his name into the nations new name.
by TapeEater March 1, 2023
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Fidel Castro's "ration" (ray-shi-on) that he formed in Cuba from 1959 to 2008. Castro wanted to create his own name for his nation, he did this by changing the N in nation to R. Castro then added his name into the nations new name. Castro attempted to change Cuba's name but failed because he just failed, that is why Cuba is called Cuba and not Castration.
"The Cuban's live in Castration"
by TapeEater March 1, 2023
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Rusty spoon back alleyway castration? Fuck it. It means to chop off a guys cock (with rusty spoons being the weapon of choice)
John: UUUGH I hate that guy so much
Jim: Then why don't you castrate him with a rusty spoon?
John: Y'know what? I think I will! Nothing better than castration to put a man in his place
by The Handmade Hero July 20, 2021
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