An individual associated with the Boogaloo movement, willing to take up arms against a tyrannical government.
When the man comes treading upon us all, the boogers in floral will be our saviors.
by Sweaty boogers September 28, 2020
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when a person covers something with lots of buger
Dude, what the fuck?
Dude, i just boogerized my hand!
by the erau boss November 15, 2011
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stuff in your nose that grose people eat!!
oh that person is eating a booger!
by Booooogar April 18, 2003
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A tasty snack readily available from the nasal passage.
I pick boogers out of my nose when I need something tasty to eat.
by Iwantmeatballs July 12, 2013
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Diamonds. Most commonly used by rappers
Gucci mane: I baguetted my watch wit’ real boogers
by Yup monster December 31, 2019
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Booger has many meanings but in this case it is refers to a “pick me pick me” female. A female simp, defending, overlooking, or making excursions for toxic male behavior in hopes of being chosen by said male. Or a go along type of girl to be seen as “not like other girls.”

Please also see “pick me girl.”
Imma start calling you “booger” since you want to be picked so goddamn bad.
by missmewiththebullshit February 3, 2021
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when you sneeze so violently that boogers shoot halfway across the room and stick to some random object....
Oh shit, i just boogered my boyfriend's sweatshirt!!


Oh man! Where's my booger? (seconds later...) Oh there it is....I boogered my own wall.
by Annie Firmin March 19, 2007
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