A male person that is physically and mentally superior than most other males, making him a sexual target for females. The opposite of this would be a beta.
beta 1: Man I wish i could date that chick
beta 2: its too bad that she's with that alpha guy...i wish i was as buff as him
by ekruor June 11, 2012
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The primw. the ultimate. the leadr. the ruler.Uber
wow man that doobie is so huge its like the Alpha Doobie
by silwyth88 July 11, 2008
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If you have to ask, you’ll never know
“Just by her stance I could tell she was an Alpha Female
by Chid3ra September 25, 2019
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The leader of the group. Sometimes referring to someone with great strength, intelligence, or other talented and traits. A alll around great human being of no singular personality type.
Also a pop culture reference to Teen wolf.
He is some talented, he must be the ALPHA.
by batis July 25, 2015
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The dumb bitches on your dorm room floor who decide to make a fake sorority.
I'm an Alpha Bitch Alpha girl. I like to walk around in my towel in the hallways talking shit about people. I also cackle like a hyena and sob at my boyfriend over the phone for leaving me. I'm cool.
by yoskankfriend November 11, 2010
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an ironic term used to describe a peevish, quirky male in his mid-40s who is: either a virgin or close to it, hopelessly in love with a woman or women who never think about him sexually, a complete dork who is unable to communicate with women or anyone else in a non-awkward manner (and who is completely unaware of his awkwardness), yet is nonetheless endearing because of his heart of gold & propensity for loving large aquatic mammals.
Onlooker #1: "Hey look at that dork talking to that gorgeous babe!"
Onlooker #2: "Is she actually SMILING at him? I think she is. Wow."
Onlooker #1: "Yes, she has that look in her eyes like she is about to hug a puppy."
Onlooker #2: "Oh I get it... That dude's not just a dork. He's an Alpha."
Onlooker #1: "I think he's showing her a statuette of a humpback whale.. Yep. Definitely an Alpha."
by Lilac Snitloch November 23, 2008
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A guy which one is too self confident. But behind the hard shell he is a little bit shy and easy to attack.
The Chatter Alpha from Xat
by MasterofDesasterXat August 17, 2016
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