Fat fuck that falls off both sides of the bed and is gonna be the downfall of future taco bell stocks, also person that has a sister with a fatass and evan and lukas should butt rape her
"Zack is a faggot"
by Lupo1239435 August 9, 2023
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A fucking weirdo who follows u around and thinks ur friends with him
Ur a Zack
Jeez that’s suck a bad insult
by Grings 123 May 26, 2022
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A really caring guy, who never fails to look after others, putting them before himself. He is attractive and a huge nerd, and will make you feel safe and loved. He has an excellent music taste and his style will always amaze you.
I love Zack, isn't he just the greatest
by I'mnotafurry:0 January 2, 2019
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The type of guy to always be capping.
Did you see how much Zack capped the other night?
by fulltimecapper February 28, 2020
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A wierd person that smells like eggs and looks like an egg. Usually has a small dick and can't get any girls
I'm gonna have pancakes and Zack's for breakfast
by JwnfnSkdoaod December 14, 2016
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Assholes. Super full of themselves and total tryhards. Like to think they're cool and enjoys picking on females. The kind of guy to get with your ex the day after you broke up.
Person 1: "Damn, Zack seriously did that?"
Person 2: "Uh, yes? He broke up with Brittany to get with Cloe. That's Brit's ex."
by Artiimys April 28, 2018
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An argumentative prick who always thinks he's right even when he's wrong. Does not hold the record for most deliveries at Wings Over Happy Valley. Incapable of performing that thing on the bar that alpha males and alex can. Also believes his stock ass car is better than a mazda 3. yeah right! that thing took 124 deliveries in one day.
Stop being a zack, texas roadhouse sucks.
by 154Abermuir November 4, 2014
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