a cunt of a ela teacher that is a flat no good ugly bitch and fails everyone
girl 1:“ms.walsh just gave me a F for a paper i passed in and she lost it
girl 2:“ew i hate ms. walsh”
by imabadassbitchhhhh January 4, 2020
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A savage beast found in southeastern Wisconsin. It is sometimes found behind the wheel of a VW or passenger in a Civic, MPV, or Bravada drinking Monster Energy drinks. It's primal instinct is to lift weights and only responds to Sean, meathead, or Chuck Norris. It is not rare to see this animal mooning passersby or neighborhood kids. It is capable of making a sexual reference about anything, anything.
-Hey Walsh-Rynders
-Are you coming with us?
-like cumming cumming? ahhhhhh
by Sean WR May 22, 2008
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While kissing a girl you just met out that night you un-zip YOUR OWN PANTS, grab her hand and put it on your DICK.

1 of 2 things will happen. She'll play with it or she wont. Either way you know whether to move on or go to work on that broad!!!
Guy: kiss kiss (Guy thinks. gotta pull the J-Walsh)
Girl: kiss kiss
Guy: un-zzziiippppp. Grabs her hand puts it in his own pants.
Girl: giggle giggle... you don't wear underwear and your dick is sooo big!
Guy: I know.... (Close the Deal!!!!)
by My cocks wingman October 19, 2012
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he is the Host of Americas Most Wanted on Fox he helps Tracks Down Murders Gangs,peodphille,and Etc and john askes you to call if you have any whereabouts where the Criminals Are. so far 844 suspects Caught.
John Walsh is the Shit!
Mark. Hell yeah haha you punk Ass Crminals you just been Caught!
by So-So June 4, 2005
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Danielle Walsh is a TikTok personality from Belfast. She is known for mixing cocktails and drinking them at lightning speed through a large straw which has been compared to an exhaust pipe.
Did you see how fast Danielle Walsh drank that cocktail?

Yes, it’s because she has that exhaust pipe straw
by Debbie Hanna May 22, 2023
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That one guy who slays dem zambies. Them zambies, they live in the WOOoOoOoooOoOoOoOoOOOoOoOooODSs
by YyyYyYEeEAhhHh kid February 9, 2023
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