Vicky is a very picky person, she can be stuck up and is pretty serious at times but she's very kind and sweet inside.

She doesn't like to admit her feeling, if she likes you.

You would only know if she:
1. Stumbles when talking.
2. Bits her bottom lip
3. Blushes ( Well she blushes 90% of the time!)

She is also very intelligent and is ver shy.
She gets angry very easily so don't get on her Nerves.
She's usually a brown-type hair girl.
She may seem kind of dorky- at first but once you get to know her, she's a complete sweetheart!
She's pretty short, Her body will develop, slowly. (Be Patient!)

Vicky is special- Treat her like she's the world!
For Example:
Boy: Whose That?
Boy 2: I think that's Vicky
Boy: Whoa! She looks different.
by Vixtoria2 February 25, 2016
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A bad girl. Usually a girl that is very calculating. Visually appealing but obvious trouble. Intelligent and in excellent physical condition. Adult Vickys are very voluptuous, big booties and awesome racks. A Vicky is a skilled fighter, great leader, and master tactician, but they are always ALWAYS evil. Beautiful, deadly, and genius.
Andrew: "Woah. Would you check that honey out?"
Matt: "Dude, no. Thats a Vicky. If you want a number try 911."
by BlaK da K!D February 11, 2018
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fugly bitch. thinks she's the bee's knees.

shit at texting back. loses her phone all the time, has phases where she thinks she's really cool and uses a crappy Nokia phone. it's not cool. she's delusional.

also can't type for shit. always spelling things wrong smh ricky will testify to this
ew, look Vicky's being all hipster again she's so weird
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an offensive hand gesture also known as the "two-finger salute".
It is performed by flicking the V sign using the two first fingers towards the victim whilst the palm faces the person giving the sign.

The sign can mean "fuck off" "fuck you" or "up yours!"
Guy 1: haha, i saw the state of you trying to fight Jamesy the other day!

Guy2: *sends vickies* Fuck you, mate!
by Mango-Head August 17, 2009
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A white bitch from atlanta who thinks shes black and mentions how hard her life is as a black girl from zone 6
Oh my god is that a rat?!
Oh no thats just Vicky
by saltbabe August 14, 2017
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She is an amazing girl who no one deserves. She is a gorgeous girl who often doubts herself. She’s kind of a hoe but if you get a Vicky never let her go.
Wow! She’s awesome! She’s such a Vicky!!!💗
by Cheerreehc January 24, 2020
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An evil babysitter. Only good for giving your child FAIRY GODPARENTS!!!!!
Hey Vicky, won't you tell us true
How'd we ever get the bad luck to be stuck with you
by ZackerStruck July 7, 2017
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