A fucking shithole of drug-addicts and morons. Let's live in a frozen tundra of retards who's main industry is maple syrup trees and re-selling pot from Canada. Ever meet a fuckin hot girl in Vermont? Good luck finding pussy up there, it's probably tainted with pale, hairy cunts and the semi-decent chicks are complete wastes and bitches from being hit on by every stoner loser. Gotta love high taxes, nothing to do, freezing your ass off, no employment opportunities and a socialism of fake niceness. FUCK VERMONT
by Retarded Vermonters January 15, 2007
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a state where weed burns like gasoline and where it snows like a bitch. basically the best damn place in the world other than the rich flat landers and jews that now own all the mom and pop stores and the rich bastards in the state house that wipe the asses of all the rich jews. overun with smoked out hippies, subarus, and hicks its the coolest place on this fucking earth!!!!!!!! 802 represent bitches!!!!
bob: sally lets move i hate jew york i'm sick of being mugged every day.
sally: sweet heart lets move to Vermont.
bob: i dont know honey, i dont really want to be ass raped with taxes and yelled at by a bunch of rich kikes.
sally: your right sweet heart lets just pack a bowl and think of some thing else.
by jake magizatch bizatch November 28, 2007
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Beware of a state as backward as a third-world country, as highly-taxed as Sweden, and thoroughly contaminated with Uranium-- in the drinking water and lakes and streams, in all products produced in the state-- their famous cheeses, dairy products, maple syrup, Organic sure, but so is Uranium. BEWARE!
Vermont State motto: " Guns, Meat, Pies, Cheese + Uranium
by gunsmeatpies+cheese August 16, 2008
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Blue collar degenerate trash, with more pride for their state, than to welcome outsiders... hence drying out their own economy. One who will offer you their unsolicited opinion, and unwanted advice. Liberal to a fault, offering leniant penalties or "rehab" to sex offenders, while providing welfare to unemployed drug pushers. Someone who dumps their trash on the roadside. One who overfishes, overhunts, and undercompensates for what they take. Mostly over the age of 65, driving younger generations out of state with their stubborn ways. Some hardworking. Some very friendly. Others, cold and unsociable. A welfare charity case. An inbred. A woodchuck. Their pride in Phish is as tired as the band's music. Unable to cope with the fact that their state is nothing more than America's retirement home; where people come to regail at the colorful leaves and enjoy Ben & Jerry's icecream once a year. They grow good pot. They brew great beer. Willing to settle for less. A walking, talking, fucking oxymoron of a disaster of a human being.
Let's move to Vermont. Nevermind, Vermonters hate everyone out who wants to live there. Let them remain one of the 5 poorest states in the U.S. and harbor pedofiles then. Watch out for that that washing machine someone left by the roadside!
by AVermonter July 23, 2009
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A bad place full of crazy liberals, communists, socialists, and cross burners.the favorite past time of vermonters is to complain about their neighbors, mine is complain about this state. it is a place where grimy hippies will put a fake ticket on your car and let you know your driving an SUV. THANKS HIPPIES. just for that i now enjoy watering my trees with gasoline. Save Big Oil, kill a tree!!!!!
"hey fred isn't vermont the best"
"no johnny its full of scum bag democrats."
by BBBjr May 30, 2007
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Never seen such a lazy and ignorant population of people. Most are washed up hippies, welfare babies, or hippy wanna -bees. You can easily view the scenery from the safety of your car, without be bothered by the local with their hand out.
Buy a coffee at the local Dunkin Donuts, wait 15 minutes or so to actually get the coffee, hand the native a five dollar bill and watch the fun begin. First the deer in the head light look, then they look at you for guidance, because the moron realizes even with the register they can not figure out the correct change. They'll refer to the manager, wait until you get a dose of this pantload, and you'll realize that Vermont is state you should just drive thru and don't bother stopping.
by Toxic Shock November 19, 2006
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