Tori can be a loyal friend or girlfriend. She won’t let you down. She knows when your happy or sad and cheers you up or just has a great time with you. She does a lot of sports and is really energetic. She will do any thing for you. She hates showing her emotions and when she does someone might need to calm her down. She is happy most of the time. She will always be your friend.
Did you see { Tori} ?
Yes she is super happy today.
by Youaskedforit February 24, 2019
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She got the best pussy EVVA, she also a keeper, likes cuddles, and has a fat ass.
Damn she thick ash, her name must be Tori
by Yo guy bill August 5, 2020
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Is a girl who never pays for beer but says she does. She is a huge cunt bag with a pretty face. She only comes with one leg so after you punch her in the pussy with your face you can get away easily. She smells like cheese but tastes like caviar. Once you get to know her you still hate her but love her also. It's complicated. If treated right she will suck a golf ball through a garden hose and swallow from the other end.
Oh my God this cunt Tori came over last night and we did the Canadian porch swing and the Sanfransisco bird feeder and the Texas chili bowl. What a slut! So much fun, ask Jackie.
by Bdog78 March 12, 2022
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Tori is your favorite person she is the best girlfriend in the entire universe and she is the kindest most caring most beautiful most amazing person in the whole wide world!
by Kade411 January 27, 2023
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Tori is an all around amazing person. If you are having a bad day talk to tori. She I very loyal and has a endless love for all living things. She is very talented if she puts her mind to somthing u bet she will do it. She somtimes struggles at taskes but she always figures it out. Even if she had very little she would give it all up for a loved one. She is one of God and is like an angle on earth. She looks like and angle to. She is the most beautiful girl you will ever see. She struggles to see just how perfect she is but everyone else know she is perfect. If u need a hug all u do is find her. She's the best girlfriend and man could ask for. She will never cheat or lie. She can also be very convincing at times. And she is also very very crazy at times. But can also be very calm. If she sees someone sad she will do her best to cheer them up . If u know a tori than u best keep her around forever she is someone u can trust and rely on. She also has a very special talent were she can light up a whole room with her smiles. Also has an amazing laugh that u hear quite often.
Tori is amazig!
by Kole Deming October 8, 2019
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A tori is someone who is super crazy and amazing and confident person and always has her friends backs
Wow! I wish I had a tori!
by Boom2654789 January 21, 2017
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A woman undefined, beautiful, and amazing
Tori always has been amazing and always will be.
by 6footginger February 11, 2017
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