May 17th, the day to send a nude titty pic to your gf/bf
"Do you know what day it is"
"It's National Send Titty Pic Day, Already sending a picture"
by pepe 🐸 May 17, 2021
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In April the 19th it’s national send a titty pic day, where you send a titty pic to whom ever may ask
Hey it’s April 19th can I have a titty pic?

Sure! It is national send a titty pic day
by Woody!! April 19, 2021
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on April 10th its national soapy titty pic day where you must send a soapy titty pic if a boy asks
"can I get a soapy titty pic?"

"for sure, it's April 10th, national soapy titty pic day"
by bobdylan66 April 10, 2022
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On the 11th of October every year you can tell your friends to send you a titty pic since it's the 11th Oct. They have to listen too.
Hey, it's the 11th of October, you know that that means! National Titty Pic Day 11th October.
by notsob27 October 10, 2020
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