To fuck someone in the Ass, and entering the full length of you dick all at once, usually without lube, causing the sensation of ripping someone a new asshole.
FUCK, you totally railed my ass last night and now it hurts to take a shit and I'm walkin funny. Next time invest in some astroglide.
by OptionAdam December 23, 2016
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a safty device known to save wildlife from the clutches of quicksand in the most compromising circumstance.
by Tony Welch August 27, 2003
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When you "rail" something that usually means that you cut up something, like a pill, into a fine powder and then you snort it.
Fuck man, I can't beleive you railed a quadstack in one go!
by NorCal potsmoker March 18, 2009
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1: To get Super Pwned .. Or Beat down..

2: A sexual reference used to describe a sexual pose where the girl is gripping the rail

3: To get caught in a bad situation ..
He was brought home by the police today , and his parents Railed him
by Illogical Chaos August 10, 2009
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1. To ride/drive/pilot a vehicle in a fast and precise manner down a twisty road.

2. To haul ass
I was railing down highway one until that CHP caught me.
by mikeyroo April 7, 2004
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Being fragged by railgun, suddenly shot dead.
Damn, he's railed me!
by DemoLiter July 14, 2003
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To be given a hard time or made fun of. Teased.
Man, I got railed when I got that crooked mohawk!
Every time my team loses I get railed by my friends who are fans of the rival team.
by Dana S. March 15, 2006
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