A catchphrase commonly used by very cool and popular people to express happiness or excitement.
Mark shoutedYeet-Haw” in excitement.
by Big Lad Sheev December 11, 2018
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A phrase that should follow an unreasonably pejorative, irrational/illogical, or clearly dumb-ass remark. Used as an interjection, to call someone out for being an IGNORANT BRAYING ASS. (probably best used via text format, as actually saying "hee haw" may detract from the intended effect...).

A subtle yet effective way of pointing out someone's stupidity- as they most likely won't even get your reference in the first place (and may in fact think you are laughing WITH them)- without having to be too frank.

You see, an ignorant braying ass "hee-haws" all day long...call 'em out.
"hee haw, Bro..HEE HAW"
by kittylitterbitch August 18, 2011
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Hey Tonto, we should go by the store and pick up that 6 pack, TONTO- haw den ain't it!
by Post rosaries September 19, 2016
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Sex. Doing it. Doing the yee haw, doin the yee and the haw. Pretty basic.
You guys gonna do 😏 The Yee Haw?

Al the yeeing and the hawing..naw I'm good.

Yee haw
by NeonGhostWolf December 2, 2019
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Used in olden days in reference to working oxen or horses. Gee meaning turn to the right. Haw meaning turn to the left. Also used in correlation to getting along. Being able to work together. G-haul used in correlation as above in similar with getting along, in parts of the south or deep south.
They don't gee haw very well at all. They fight all the time. As well as, they don't g-haul, they argue constantly.
by sphillay April 29, 2008
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Yee haw
Yee haw
by Yeyeyeyeyejuice October 5, 2019
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slang for vagina, pussy, female privates, or anything in general
"Erika, have you shaved your whoo haw lately?"


You: "So, Margo, how's your whoo haw going?"
Margo: "What?"
You: "I said 'how's your job going?'"


April: "Man, I have a lot of homework tonight."
You: "You have a lot of whoo haw?"
April: "Yeah."
by showerfresh June 21, 2009
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