n. a greeting addressed to Urban Dictionary on their 11th birthday. Thank you for the words and making me laugh, and for the urban word of the day in my e-mails.
by redneck90210 December 9, 2010
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When you're at school and one of your friends in the class wishes you happy birthday outloud, reminding the others, that you born that day, and they all start saying happy birthday.
"do you want another happy birthday tidal wave next year?"
"no thanks, and please next time don't say it outloud, it is so awkward"
by ihateschoolsobadlyomfg October 14, 2013
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Said to the birthday day person. It signifies that this day was special for your birth and we (you) hope you (they) have a great one.
Happy birthday person's name birth:
Erick: Happy Juan birth
Juan: ;O
by Gigasit November 19, 2021
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when it's your birthday and someone named elina plays happy birthday (remix) but you want her to stop so you say
"elina stop playing happy birthday (remix)!!!!" and then she plays it for the teacher when it's also the teacher's birthday.
Elina: *plays happy birthday (remix)*
Mia: elina stop playing happy birthday (remix)!!!
Elina: hi miss *plays happy birthday (remix)*
TEacher: it's not that bad
by miasquid7g6l October 6, 2022
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When ya homie Nanogenix wished everyone he cares about a Happy Fricken Birthday!
Nanogenix: Happy Fricken Birthday Rolly. Happy Fricken Birthday. Hope you have a good one and sorry you're not feeling well. But Happy Fricken Birthday Rolly! and mike thank you for the hundred bitties.
by Mikethunders100 February 6, 2022
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