A large Saharan sandworm that preys on small black children. A close relative of the Mongolian Death Worm and the worms from the movie "Tremors."
Darius: "Make sure your daughter stays near you on the trip, the Algerian gooch might try to eat her."
TeeJay: "Aight man, thanks."
by p00nSlayer March 17, 2014
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Outdoor game involving a frisbee, pitching wedge, and golf ball. Players toss the frisbee then try to pitch their balls from the tossing spot to within a clubs length of the frisbee in the least amount of strokes. Whoever has their ball closest to the frisbee in the least amount of strokes wins that Hooch and tosses the frisbee to a new spot. First to win 3 Hooches wins a Gooch. Hooches reset to 0 to begin competing for the next Gooch. Once a player reaches 3 Gooches they have won and become THE GRAND-MASTER GOOCH and all players that lost must get down on both knees and grovel to the winner by raising hands to the sky and bending over to touch the ground at the winner's feet thrice.
It was a sunny summer day and the park was filled with rousing games of Gooch and grovelers.
by GoatChedda June 5, 2012
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This is the term for the male taint. Also known as the area between the 'hung' and the 'bung'.
Her nose was tickling my gooch while I was teabagging her.
by Hugh G Wrection May 21, 2010
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Gooching. The act of grabbing/rubbing two fingers on someones gooch area. can be done either sexually or as a means of punishment or beating up. Mythically it is possible to gooch someone until they jizz.
Lets gooch that new year 8 kid, hes a pinhead. Gooch him good he didn't pay his money.Ohh baby gooch me till i jizz. HElP hes gooching me!!
by jizzhead April 11, 2009
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Gooch is a slang term used to describe life’s best in one word. Words like awesome, epic and sick are all rolled into one when something is Gooch.
That ride is so gooch!!! Thats a nice watch, that thing is gooch! The surf is super gooch today.
by skimmag January 8, 2015
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1. The area between a man's nutsack and asshole.
2. A stupid, annoying person.
1. My gooch was itchy as hell today.
Damn, my gooch is sweaty as hell.
Fuck, you kicked me right in the gooch.
That bitch licked my gooch all night long.

2. Man your such a fucking gooch!
Yeah, that faggot is such a gooch.
Why do you always have to be such a gooch?!
Shit, my mom is being so fucking goochy.
by GoochGoblin July 11, 2006
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The precious area between a male scrotum and the anus. It provides the use of connecting these very important body parts for a male.
Robert told me that he applies deodorant on his gooch to prevant the excessive sweating and vinegary stench that his gooch excretes.

Phillip hates it when his dog bites on his gooch while he is sleeping.

Arthur's girlfriend was disgusted at the sight of his hairy gooch, but still continued to lick it.
by cunthunter June 12, 2008
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