An old Yankee term used in New England for "very well". Often shortened to "Chipper'n a cricket".
by Sirberlinnh June 10, 2017
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Placing human or animal fecal matter in a ziplock bag with various condiments. i.e mustard, ketchup, raw eggs. Placing bag in a two man sling shot and whipping it at cars.
Eric and Adam were bored so they decided to fire shit chippers at school buses.
by Mr. Oxyman March 29, 2014
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A "chipper" is your girlfriend's best MALE friend. He invites her to see the White Stripes and has long phone conversations with her. She tells you things like...I think he's gay..." just to make you feel comfortable with their relationship. And even though he gives her foot massages and buys her candles you're cool with it. Then you and your girl have a massive blowout and a few month's later...they're moving in together throwing wine and cheese parties wearing matching Motley Crue shirts.
Tiffany's friend Todd is a chipper. He gets invited to watch Sex in the City on girls night. And he gives he has a creepy crush on her. I can tell by the way he looks at her.
by JB666 March 14, 2008
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"She will sleep with anyone after one beer."

"Yeah, she is such a chipper."
by The eau C December 18, 2009
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The act of wipeing your ass backwards, from back to front packing shit around your man jewels.
Hey where is chip? He is in the toilet doing a reverse chipper.
by sloleak October 4, 2005
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Putting your penis (wood) in the vagina doggie style while the girl is puking in the toilet
After a heavy night of drinking, I gave my girl the wood chipper while she was puking.
by shessy shoseph June 20, 2010
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It is a sexual term for when during anal intercourse, a man hits the woman so hard in the stomach that she vomits.

Antonym; See The Reverse Wood Chipper
Joe stuck his wood in her ass and it came out the other side! He gave her the wood chipper!
by WNM July 24, 2006
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