Tara is an absolutely stunning girl who is pretty crazy around her friends and a bit mean but when she wants to be she’s the nicest person you’ll ever know she can also be sensitive some times and she’s just sexy af
Boy1: damn taras stunning today

Boy2: I wishe Tara was mine
by Glubglubgabala December 16, 2020
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they has the biggest dick ever (even if they dont even have one)
Person A: hey, you know Tara?
Person B: yeah! they have a HUGE dick!
by Xz4ndrr.R0sEs January 12, 2023
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Scariest, bitchiest girl you'll EVER meet even tho she's mean and likes extremely white men she's vry nice once you get to know her
-Who's that?
by not mark Zuckerberg July 29, 2022
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Verb- to vomit; specifically due to drinking an excess amount of Hawaiian Punch-based alcohol in preparation for a rousing game of lasertag.
"Hey Danny, I think I may have overdone it on the Appletinis. Can you direct me to your bathroom so i can tara in and around it? Don't worry, I will avoid the toilet at all costs."
by Tha_Murphdogg December 6, 2009
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Tara is a person who will always accept you no matter who you are. She is someone who will always be on your side even though you are the one who is wrong. She thinks she is ugly and fat even though she has blossomed so much. She is kind silly cute bright smart and the best. If tara is your bestie you are the lucky est person in the world. And if there is someone who is cruel and mean that aint no tara.
I luv tara if u don't she is not a tara
by Coconut63 July 7, 2018
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Tara is a short person. She is often very shy when you first meet her but also very weird once you get to know her. She's very competitive and also very smart but makes mistakes all the time. She tries to be a nice person which might come off as weird or annoying but she doesn't mind because she's trying. Shes often stressed or scared so be gentle with her. Shes honestly a giant dork so if shes excited about something be excited with her because it definitely helps her feel good. Also she talks a lot but also loves to listen so if shes talking just listen and then once you talk she loves to listen to every thing you say. She's a nice friend to have so keep her.
Person 1: oh is that tara?
Person 2: yeah let's go say hi

Person 1: she probably has a lot of things she's excited to tell us
by Thedudeclan June 19, 2017
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