A crappy web filter used by schools to block everything good on the internet. The filter blocks games, blogs, youtube, etc. It is a highly restrictive filter designed to surpress free speech and expression.
Person 1: Lets go on Urban Dictionary!
Person 2: We can't. It's blocked by Lightspeed Systems.
by Derpio June 14, 2016
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1. obligatory sample from an old sci-fi movie, often used in techno.

2. an indication that a website or network was inundated with requests to the point of breaking, resulting in a server crash.
1. doo. doo. doo. doo. the system is down. the system is down.

2. what happened to my website? the system is down, yo.
by bud newman. February 28, 2003
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To bring down this enslaving government whose only will is to become more powerful and wealthy at the expense of poorer country's and the common working class, a government that is sending all of world to hell in a hand-basket yet the retarded white trash inbreeds do nothing about it because as long as CNN says everything is ok then it is. Which is nothing but a lie considering the country is not really run by government as it seems, but run by the billionaire companies that support the politicians that will bend over backwards to make these bastards a few more million.

The phrase also refers to putting a cease to doing the same fucking things over and over again, ruining more lives, and destroying the environment. As in fucking the "system", not just the establishment but the destructive patterns we repeat every day.
by Zensuu June 30, 2013
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A band that created a unique sound by combining armenian and middle eastern elements with heavy metal. People accuse them of just screaming because they're too illiterate to read their lyrics or try to interpit them. Shallow preps hate them because their image is not as flashy as that of a rapper or pop star. Some hate them just because they're afaird listening to "unpopular" music would set them apart from the crowd. One of the few good metal bands in an industry poluted by nu-metal clones.
Me: Have you heard System of A Down?

Wigger: Fuck no, I don't listen ta dat shit, all they does scream about shit dat don't mean shit.

Me: Really, Have you tried to read their lyrics or interpit them?

Wigger: Read? Wut da fuck?! I don't read any shit! And wut da fuck does 'interaypit' mean?!
by Armen April 3, 2004
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Objectives for a relationship
Also known as the four f's:
1) french
2) feel
3) finger
4) fuck
Friend 1: where you got to on the base system
Friend 2: I got to fourth base with ma gal last night
by :) cat lady April 16, 2015
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Often referred to as an Under siege railing system, from the film staring Steven Seagal.

A railing system is used to move object around a room or building. The system usually consist of 2 rails one upper and one lower, with a set of wheels attached to a harness which an object can be placed.

Normally a seat and straps is used instead of an object in which a person can sit. The seat usually contain one or several holes in which a penis or object can be can be inserted, whilst a person is sat on the seat. A person will often sit in the seat and another will move them around the room inserting objects in to the holes contained within the seat.
"Andrew build a large railing system in man shed."

"Andrew enjoys being monkeyed whilst sitting in his railing system"
by Saidani May 14, 2010
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to self-felate in order to put an end to constipation, known statement from Bukowsky's "Post Office"
I haven't taken a shit in six days, I'm about to unclog the system.
by Nuno Berkeley Cotter December 7, 2006
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