The act of pouring hot cappuchino on the penis during the climax of an ejaculation causing a mild euphoria as a man quickly ejaculates into one's eyeball.
I have had three seattle steamrollers this week while my parents were away.
by M-Chill December 19, 2012
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When you are having intercourse with a black woman and she gets up on your chest and takes a large dookie on your chest.
Hey Brad how was that chick last night?

It was wierd as fuck she did a Louisiana steamroller on me and now I have a rash.
by Kevin's not my real name February 28, 2020
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A cuban steamroller is when a person does a roly poly and shits as he rolls.
Wow, did you see that guy do a cuban steamroller last night?

Hell yeah, what a weirdo.
by DoleDUck February 20, 2014
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A sexual act of ejaculating on a person's face, then rolling your flacid penis, hence small wood, across said person's face.
I hooked up with a girl in Kentucky and totally gave her a smallwood steamroller.
by flarmp375 November 18, 2017
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When one partner deficates on the other's chest and/or stomach and then proceeds to roll over their partner's chest and/or stomach.
Nick and I exchanged Kentucky steamrollers last night! I loved it so much, I went home shared this with my children.
by Flushy McPouponyeaux October 18, 2006
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The act of using one's feces for use during sexual intercourse. More specifically, feces are spread on the female's chest, while the male spreads and pushes the feces up and down her chest and between her breasts with his penis
Hey check it out! Gary nailed the Clevland Steamroller on that chick!
by Stevie T July 15, 2003
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When two grown men, especially Juvats, take their clothes off and roll around together naked, whether in bed or on any other flat surface. The male (Juvat) initiating naked steamrolling is the only one required to be naked, and will usually "steam roll" another sleeping male victim. This male victim (Juvat) may also choose to get naked once he realizes what is occurring. Naked steamrolling will typically progress into tummy sticks.
"Did you hear those Juvats naked steamrolling each other last night?"

"Yeah, but that wasn't nearly as bad as the tummy sticks and butt darts that followed."

"Why are they so gay???"
by Any_Panton April 13, 2013
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