that one friend who always pulls up with some typa weed
“yo the homie hash slinging slasher gon pull up”
“we boutta get baked asf tonight bro”
by kendrickglazer July 11, 2023
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1. Scary as* mofo who originated from spongebob squarepants. 2. when your 'hashbrowns" get punched or slapped. 3. your fat english teacher. you know the one who wears nike air monarchs.
by juicyjay0893 January 8, 2019
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A slasher fan who hates remakes and reboots. None of them are good except maybe one in their eyes. Slasher purists will either reject the notion that anything made after 2010 is even remotely okay, or just not like remakes or reboots. Series and TV shows made about slashers will also get severe distain from them.
My boyfriend is a slasher purist. He won't even dignify the idea of watching Halloween 2!
by yngve.yggdrassiiill June 17, 2023
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Okay, remember the Hash Slinging Slasher from our childhood AKA Spongebob? Well take that, give him Instagram, a selfie and then too many annoying hashtags, then there ya go, a Hash Tagging Slasher.
"Damn dude Sasha just put 25 damn hashtags on her selfie. She must be a Hash Tagging Slasher nigga"
by Jacon Le Bacon May 25, 2015
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an annoying ass person on ig or some other social media that puts as much "relevent" hashtags as possible on thier shit.
Jesus Christ, Chelsea needs to calm her little titz down with the damn hashtags on Instagram! She's a fucking Hash Tagging Slasher!
by One_Cool_Pseudonym May 22, 2014
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A desolate, usually rural area out in the middle of nowhere that looks similar to the typical settings used in slasher horror films such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Hey man, fill up at this next gas station, I'm not trying to get stranded out in the middle of slasher territory.

Becky: It's midnight and this is the last motel for 50 miles, lets stop and rest.
Sara: Fuck that, i'll die falling asleep at the wheel before being knocked off by some psycho out here in slasher territory.
by Cluez31 March 30, 2021
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1. Someone so irredeemably idiotic that it is safe to assume that they derive pleasure from slashing cocks... possibly with a blade of some sort, we just don't know.
2. A general term for an annoying or stupid person.
3. A generic insult, can easily deployed as it rolls off the tongue like water off a Goretex duck.

(Commonly accredited to the legendary Bruce)
'What a cock slasher, he just spat on my patio'
'You cretinous cock slasher, since when have you had the glands to stand up to me'
'AAAAAAARRRRRGHHHHHH!!!! You COCK slasher, right on the tip!'
by Elbow Redwood April 27, 2006
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