Rylie King is a boy who is 6ft and has very large muscles. He has loads of friends and he is sexy
Wow he is very sexy and 6ft he must be a Rylie King
by VeryLargeMan November 27, 2019
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Rylie is a truly wonderful individual. She is caring, friendly, outgoing, and will remember every little detail about you. She will make time to spend it with you no matter what she is doing. She may keep a tight lock on her personal life for a while, but eventually she'll open up once you get to know her. No matter your faults, she will accept and appreciate you regardless. My only mistake was loving her too much. God, how I miss her...
Person 1: "Oh my god, did you see that girl who brought an easy bake oven to school as a backpack?"
Person 2: "Yup, that was Rylie Bump. She's just cool like that"
by blondiekicker215 November 24, 2021
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A fat whale with shitty taste, STAY AWAY FROM THESE CREATURES
Man let’s go hunting for a Rylie Osmun, wait shit no that’s not worth my time
by YeIsJesus July 10, 2019
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She is that fat hoe in the friend group. She tries to steel everyones man. She also thinks she is soooooooo thicccc when he really is flater then a wall honey.
"Rylie Ekins is a hoe ,don't be a rylie"
by kkz1230 March 8, 2020
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Someone who dislikes the human race or any interaction with other life forms that are not necessary for survival.
Did you hear about Jim flipping his desk and leaving class? He pulled a Misanthropic Rylie during 7th period biology
by bobbyfrombradybunch February 9, 2022
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She’s a lil bitch. She’s also gay
That girl Rylie Nicole Bump is so gay
by Babadook the daddy November 12, 2018
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A type of girl who is super clumsy, funny, a lil punk, tik toker , and a nice friend to all humans she likes.
Rylie Kohler: Hey lil punk give me your lunch money .
by Kkrebel.3 September 6, 2019
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