A fucking unreal beast that everyone wants to date. Be jealous. You know you love her and you can’t deny it. Rockie is soooo hot and btw you’re a thot so fuck you little shit bitch
I want to date a Rockie

That would be so great to have a Rockie

You’re almost as hot as rockie. Although you could never be as undeniably sexy as her
by ballsackkkkkkk July 25, 2018
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A rockie is a very loving and caring guy. He will do anything for the person he cares about. He follows you everywhere and goes along with everything you do no matter how crazy is it. If your crying he’s always there for you. On the worst of days he’s there to cheer you up.
Rockie: *is a dog* *is waiting at door all day for you to return*

You: *walks in*

Rockie: *wags tail n jumps up happily n follows you*
by MoonlightTheWolf May 25, 2018
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when two or more females gather in a public place and one gets more attention from the male population than the other females due to the size of the boobage.
girl 1: oh shit look at those dudes
girl 2: give up... we're gettin rockied
girl 1: come again?
girl 2: well they aint lookin at you hun... their all looking at girl 3's boobs
girl 3: try implants... you wont get rockied all the time
by maddgear December 30, 2011
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Rocky is the slang name given to cannibis resin or hash. It usually comes in a solid form. The majority of hash found in the Uk is hard and brown and has to crumbled using a lighter. Although softer variants are to be found that just crumble with your hands.
" yo bruv you know where I can get sum rocky?"
" is this skunk of rocky in this spliff?"
"what you after bruv rocky or green?"
by shaun April 25, 2006
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Sneaking up behind someone and throwing water into the side of their face and then punching them in the other side of their face. Makes it look like a fight scene in the Rocky movies when he gets punched and sweat goes flying
There are lots of Rockies in Jackass 3D
by Big Mike the Cripple October 20, 2010
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Pertaining to, but not limited to the drunken use of boxing gloves to create complete mayhem and leave in wake utter destruction. Symptoms include urges to destory fraternity windows and housing, to paw and try on every article of fraternal ceremonial clothing, to slide down railings with complete abandon, fall asleep facedown in new friends' bedrooms, chugging pink vodka straight out of the bottle until you pass out, demolishing the very essence of fraternal mail systems, and a complete loss of motor movement and inhibitions.

"Did you see that chick go ROCKY last night?"
"No, but I heard she punched out a frat house's window with a stolen boxing glove!"
by Rachel Yo February 24, 2008
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In modern colloquialisms, if something sucks, it is called "sucky." So in theory, if something rocks it is thus called "rocky."

Exhibit A: "This movie sucks. It's so sucky."

Exhibit B: "This movie rocks. It's so rocky."
by K_Leezy July 3, 2007
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