A bruised queer boi. V under appreciated, abused by his father, and overall needs some love.
by Viva La Pluto February 12, 2019
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An expression of displeasure or annoyance that something has gone horribly. This is based on the idea that Digger Phelps not only is a complete tool of a man, but when it comes to basketball, couldn't analyze his way out of a damp sheep.

The word 'Digger' is completely interchangeable with the word 'Fuck'. In times of over the top levels of failure, Digger Fucking Phelps may be used, abbreviated as DFP for texting.

This is the exact opposite of Jay Bilas
Guess what honey, you get to take me and my girlfriends shopping at the outlet stores this weekend!!!
<muttered> Digger!

Dad, I'm really sorry I got chocolate on your Peyton Manning jersey. It's OK though, cause it doesn't fit anymore...right?
Digger Phelps!

Dude, remember that time we had all the guys from the team over for that party and your mom was home? Yeah, we all banged her.
<shouted> Digger Fucking Phelps!
by CCBM ryoder April 16, 2013
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Going Phelps. The dolphin-like motion used by a male while trying to achieve sexual gratification with a lucky lady. The position usually begins with spooning, but quickly escalates into something much more upon insertion, much like a Michael Phelps freestyle upon insertion into the pool. Both partners lie on their sides with the woman partially crouched, like a limp fetus, and her dominant male stroking behind her in fluid motion like a gold medal athlete, until the woman’s cheers can be heard louder than the billions of Chinese at the Olympics. However, in this case, world record speed is not suggested.
Guy 1 - Look at the ass on that!

Guy 2 - I’d love to lie her down and start going phelps until the photo finish.

Guy 1 - Relay?
by iheartoldblum October 29, 2008
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The dolphin-like motion used by a male while trying to achieve sexual gratification with a lucky lady. The position usually begins with spooning, but quickly escalates into something much more upon insertion, much like a Michael Phelps freestyle upon insertion into the pool. Both partners lie on their sides with the woman partially crouched, like a limp fetus, and her dominant male stroking behind her in fluid motion like a gold medal athlete, until the woman’s cheers can be heard louder than the billions of Chinese at the Olympics. However, in this case, world record speed is not suggested.

Guy 1: Look at the ass on that!

Guy 2:I’d love to lie her down and start going phelps until the photo finish

Guy 1: Wanna relay?
by Nolan R Jones November 3, 2008
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Charming Middle American country gentleman who lives with his family in a nice big house/church and preaches hatred of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, liberals, most of America and pretty much most of the planet. For some esoteric reason only his relatives want to stay in the church, and you have to be a member to marry a member, which keeps their straight teeth fluoridated and their fingers on their banjos. Fred has at least one 69 session with Satan every night, and hopes that if he does it well enough long enough he'll get his soul back. Ya gadda have faith.
That's Fred Phelps. No liberals, no gays, not a shred of what the uninformed call basic human decency, just Fred. Yeeeeee-haaay boah!

This is Fred Phelps speaking. Rumours that Saddam Hussein stole away my significant other are totally unfounded.
by Fearman November 5, 2007
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A Pastor who has a hatred for homosexuals. He believes that terrorist attacks and other disasters are due to gays/lesbians. He's really stupid and deserves to be thrown off a cliff, for sure.
Wow, Fred Phelps is a big asshole who preaches at my church every night!
by kaydeesaidwhattt February 17, 2009
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This word is derived from the man Michael Fred Phelps. As you all know in the 2008 Beijing olympics, this swimmer dominated the watercube in earning a remarkable eight gold medals in just eight races. His legacy will live on forever and he will go down in olympic history as one of the best swimmers and athletes to ever live. Anyway... "phelped" means getting owned. its just another word for it but it makes great sense and its great lingo to throw into your daily diet. use it often, you wont be sorry :)
1. Tom and his friends are playing cod4, and loses pretty dramatically. The other gamers, here, have the rights to say phelped.

2. if someone gets their ass kicked in a race, game, event, or real life, people around them have the oppurtunity the snap their fingers at him or her and yell "PHELPED"
by cambodia54 September 1, 2008
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