Where people go to cheat on their boyfriends/girlfriends etc. A place of no moral grounding. It's not called a beach cause trash gets washed ashore. For example: Jersey Girls. To take part in the Jersey Shore experience pretend you can't read, get a jailhouse build, wear wifebeaters everyday, spend the off season in tanning salons, wear two pounds of gel in your hair, talk about how much you hate black people, but party to music created by black people, make sure you can borrow mommy/daddy's car, wear cheap jewelery. If confused, watch Growing up Gotti.
Duhhhhh, I'm going to the shore to get my std
by Matt February 8, 2005
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A show made by the Oompa-Loopas after they quit the Chocolate factory, traded the Cocoa Bean for drugs and alcohol, and start talking in a strange language no one else speaks. Set on the shores of Jersey, presumably in England.
Kid: Did you watch Jersey Shore last night?
Kid: No, I like my brain cells.
by qwerfvtgb May 13, 2011
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The only people who say "I'm going to the shore" are SHOOBIES! If you live anywhere near the beach in New Jersey you call it the beach.
Man 1 - "Yo dude wanna go to the Jersey shore today"
Man 2 - " Fuck you go back to philly you shoobie"

by BEASCH January 17, 2008
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absolutely the most underrated place on this planet. Hot guys, great food, and good times. A place to relax and make the best memories of your life. “Shoebies” (philly vacationers) come for two or three months a year. All in all happiest place on earth...
by Lavasurfer123 May 20, 2018
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When you're on the beach bangin' doggie style. To complete the Jersey Shore, you have to wet your finger by sticking it in the girls mouth. Then you stick that finger into the sand; making sure you get a sand-covered finger. Finally, you jam that finger into her ass so she knows who you are.
by Big Dogg Cali October 2, 2006
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Jersey Shore is a reality tv show on MTV with 8 guids from areas around New Jersey. The show takes place in Seaside Heights, which is the guido capital of the world. The show consists of the room mates going to clubs and getting pissed off at haters and other people that arent guidos (also haters) which is all understandable cause they are hatin. The guys in the house go out and fist pump all night and grind up on any girl in sight. The roomates work at a crappy tshirt store that prints gay ass designs on there shirts. Alot of the roomates complain a crap load but some are legit. But they all are guido americans who love and cherish there families Which is important to them.
Yo did you see Jersey Shore last night.

yea Snooki got rocked in the face.
by Woods the situation December 15, 2009
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