To insert any fast food restaurant chicken nugget into an anus for pleasure.
John: I went to Mc Donald's last night, when I got home I Spain Nuggetted her with a 20 piece
by The Zest Meister December 21, 2016
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The person who represents Spain or Niall Horan. Niall Horan speaks spanish so well that he is the president of Spain. He once said: "Yo soy español, español, español"
X: Who is being defined for president of Spain?
Y: ObViOuSlY Niall Horan, duh.
by Hanna Vanderwald December 27, 2021
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1. verb: to claim ownership, to steal
2. phrase used to justify claiming said ownership
"he just name of spained your parking spot!"

"you just took my last sunkist!"
"name of spain, dude!"
by zxcvbnt October 12, 2007
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when someone goes to another country and feeds everyone strawberrys wilst they are in the bath also they like to do the dirty sanshez
omg that girl is such a frankie spain!!!
by david-kurn November 5, 2007
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See kickass.
The Government of Spain is one's alias for the Anime Roleplaying Site, Usually, however, he like to go by Spain.
Whoa, The Government of Spain!
Those are some kickass gold-plated, money & women filled pimpmobiles.
by The Government of Spain April 4, 2005
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Another way to say I'm dying inside, or I am in constant pain, without actually saying it
Being 1: how are you doing

Being 2: I'm in Spain without the s

Being 1: ....O h-
by haha imagine existing February 18, 2021
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Spain but the S's is Silent meaning you are in Pain.
Its a term when something terrible happend to someone.
e.x : Your minecraft girfriend left you for Chad.
e.x : Your minecraft dog died.
Jake : Hey bro, I heard ______‘s dog died. Is he okay?.
You : Yeah bro, He's in Spain but the S's is Silent.
by GlizzyGobbler69 August 23, 2020
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