One of the most intelligent political critics in the USA. Due to his outspoken style and controversial opinions he has been ostracized in political discussion as well as in his profession. Despite being a Jew, he has been labelled as an anti-semite by many for his criticism of Israel.

See also: Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn.
Norman Finkelstein's assertion of the existence of a Holocaust Industry has caused a great amount of controversy.
by Servant Of Progress December 11, 2004
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1. Australian retailer renowned for its "interest free" sales.
2. An expression used to show a lack of interest.
A: Hey do you wanna grab some food at Charties?
B: Sorry, Harvey Norman to that.
by Edward Robert Betts May 2, 2009
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Have you seen Thatcher Norman he is quite rotund and unique I think we should cherish him
by Lil Blevins December 29, 2022
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The ultimate disguise, the name you give someone whenever you don't want the other person to know your name. This disguise is hand-crafted to be flawless, it takes a genius to crack this code.
This b*tch asked for my name at Starbucks, so I said Keith Norman
by VegasKnightsSuck69 March 26, 2020
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A massively underrated Irish TV show broadcast back in 2007.

It is a comic re-dubbing of the Polish soap opera "First Love".

It's extremely surreal humour meant it only received a small cult following.

It has to be seen to be believed.
"Irish cabs! Anyone for the dole office? I can take up to sixteen! Get in the boot ya scobes!"

"It's not just any spoon, it's a spelling spoon!"

"I'm right behind you, with my hair!"

"Can we do confession, I'm in massive trouble!"

"Maragarita can't walk, she's got canine leg disorder!"

by spelling spoon February 7, 2010
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A response to being presented with a situation or hearing an utterance that is illogical and/or incoherent to the point of causing a mental short-circuit.

The reference is from the Star Trek TOS episode "I, Mudd."
by Charles U. Farley III September 8, 2010
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God with a buzzcut. Absolute legend. Watches anime but never gets a boner. Has only shown us his mortal form. World Record Kirby player. Smallest penis but largest balls. DO NOT ANGER HIM OR YOU WILL PAY.
I saw the legendary Carter Norman on the street. His balls dropped 50 feet.
by Lookin 4 BEANZ May 7, 2019
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