a youtuber i know but hes mean hes a pedo and likes kids
Not Nero is so autstic
by 卐_ʖ_卐 October 26, 2017
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A very strong and fucking hot 9 foot man with a 12 pack and a dick that goes up to the moon, he’s the only great furry and the greatest man of all time with a whopping 300 million and can drink period blood
man i sure do love nero longing biceps
by ramen..boyyt September 21, 2021
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The best member of DMC, he was a dick to every member but he always cared for the clan, time and time again he has shown us just how much he matters. Nero was a very compassionate person who made for sarcastic joke and pixelated babies (in sandbox) that not even the stars in the sky can represent its number. Nero was such a great person and a very good leader, without nero DMC would never live up to it's full potential, nero was one of the best friends anyone could have, nice on this inside, I meant horny but yes nice, anyways where am I going with this again? Oh ye, nero was a very good leader, one of the best friends I have known and a horn dog <3
DMC member 1:DMC Nero is so much better than anakin
Anakin: fuck you
by DMC Trish March 14, 2021
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A member of the "NERO" group in matchmaking servers of Emergency Response: Liberty County, on Roblox. They usually pick out spots such as the "Civilian Spawn" inside the game and mass murder civilians and police officers alike. They have no life and spend all their time playing Da Hood & ERLC, but they refuse to RP and instead cause unnecessary havoc inside ERLC, Neros are often heavily discriminated against, and fairly so.
Wow! That person is sitting at home, sweating out of their asshole because they refuse to take a shower, oh, what are they playing? ERLC? They aren't RPing either..? Oh, they are a Nero. All they do is shoot eachother and shoot cops who try to arrest them in game, how sad! Nero - ERLC
by Multi-Writer March 16, 2023
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After months of isolation and evaluation, Nero is finally ready to change the narrative. In the past, Nero has struggled with his image and finding his place in society. With him stepping out of the shadows and taking off the mask, a whole new energy is ready to be released. For him, this isn't about proving anyone wrong or telling haters to eat a frank. In fact, it's about showcasing who he has been this whole time. Nero has been very humble because he feels he hasn't earned the right to speak up. Until now.
In Nero We Trust
by Lordnero May 22, 2023
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a booty man that hacks MMOs to get all the buffs and do all the damage while tanking and healing.
Man, that's guys a total Nero. His damage is unreal!
by CatDadKing April 13, 2021
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Illness that make you faint after contracting it AFTER waking up from unconscious it scramble your thought and makes you want to subscribe to sleepy koala
by S1eepyKoa1a September 26, 2022
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