She is a fanfiction writer with big dreams and a huge personality , She loves video games and memes, She is well known for her art and sense of humor. She hangs around the same friends all day and will fight for them, she is loyal to her family, and she would do anything just to protect them.. she has immense depression and is afraid someone would hurt her friends.
Random person: Who is that?
Random person 2: thats madeline! She

Mom: Madeline you are bruised, what happened
Madeline: i saved my cousin from a bully..
by RazzyKazzulini May 16, 2018
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A Madeline is always nice. She cares about others. Yes she may not like some of them, but she makes a point to try to be nice to them. A Madeline always has your back and you can count on them. They often say crazy words, such as "Oofala" "Boogalo" and more wack words. They are often good at speaking other languages. They hate when people pronounce their name as "Madeleine". They are kinda shy at first, but later they arent. They are sweet and caring. They annoy you sometimes, but you'll love a Madeline. Madeline is very pretty. Most Madeline's have big families. She can humor you and listen to yoy. leaving a Madeline would be a terrible decision, because you wouldn't be as happy as you were with her.
Pam: I heard a really weird noise

Harp: really? Like a voice
Pam: yeah. It was a weird word. They said-/
Madeline: OOFALA RrrR
Pam:oh nevermind that's just madeleine?.
Madeline on the inside: AurghhHhhhhHgHahhsn
by m.k.m.e.r June 18, 2019
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The perfect girl. When you see her, it's like your whole world turned upside down. To spend a minute with her is like spending a lifetime in heaven. SHE HAS A TEMPER. Yes, she gets mad even sometimes when people constantly copy her every day, but she can also brighten your day like no one else can. Madeline's love animals, swimming, and Jake Paul. She is a cat lover, so don't bring a dog up in her house. Madeline's typically have blond hair and blue or hazel eyes. Sometimes she can be a little wack, but you'll have the most fun because she knows how to get a party started. If you ever meet a Madeline you better keep her close because she may be the best thing that ever happens to you.
I can't believe I found a Madeline!
by MashaMandy November 1, 2017
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Madeline is a girl who is beautiful and very smart, usually top of her class. She has a very strong belief in ghosts and can see them. She is brave and courageous. Madeline prefers being called Maddie or Mads as a nickname. If you ever meet a girl like this dont let her go, she is the best friend you could ask for. Never turn her down if she has a crush on you, she is an ideal girlfriend.
"Top of the class again Madeline"
by Evil4Ever April 23, 2018
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Madeline is an angel who fell from heaven. She is honestly gorgeous, and everyone can tell. Yet they don't mention it to her because they're too shy. Madeline is a kind, sweet soul and isn't anything but nice to everyone. Madeline loves animals, especially horses, and doesn't like animal cruelty. Madeline always sticks up for her friends and will do anything for them. Her hair is as soft as a feather and so blond it's almost white. She has the most gorgeous brown eyes on the planet. Everyone loves Madeline, yet she is sometimes a savage.
"I have a crush on her..."
"Of course, she's Madeline."
by cucumbers and roses January 6, 2020
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The most wonderful person you will ever meet. Madeline is sensitive and empathetic to her friends and is very loyal. She can be shy at first but once she warms up to you your best friends for life. She is very smart and any guy that can is lucky to have her in their life. But she likes to play hard to get she is confident and independent. She is funny and irresistible.
Guy 1: Man my day has sucked.
Guy2: Go see Madeline she always makes me feel better and makes me laugh
by HiIbedisfan March 19, 2020
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All Madelines are gorgeous inside and out. They fear to disappoint the ones they love so they strive to be perfect. They work hard and put their all into their education, athletics, arts, and even their lovers. Most Madelines, although not all, have very high standards for both themselves and the people they surround themselves with. Girls named Madeline don't put up with shit. Although she might look shy, she will stick up for what she believes in. All Madelines are bad bitches. They're too sweet to even think about it, but if they wanted to, they could take your man in an instant. They are cute, hot, beautiful and sexy. They go by Maddie (Maddy/Madi...etc) most of the time and they HATE when they're name is mispronounced, BUT they never speak up. They only speak up on matters important to them. Madelines are unproblematic and loving characters.
Guy 1- "I feel like I'm never gonna be enough for Madeline."
Girl 1- "Don't worry, she loves you so much. SHe just is scared to show it."
by Avery Elle Baker April 8, 2020
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