Some supernatural monster said to hide in Germany playing terraria all day. He is know for completely destroying bosses inside the game while not getting hit once (nohitting). After nohitting a boss he uploads it to youtube to harvest dem views.
Leviathan (youtuber) just nohit (insert terrraria boss).
by Thumbback December 22, 2017
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"Have you heard of thst prince coda leviathan person, their pretty cringe"
by Gummy34 July 13, 2021
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emo tsundere gamer mf that’s obsessed with ruri-chan.
“Leviathan is my favorite demon brother from ObeyMe!”
by clickering June 27, 2021
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From Supernatural, an ancient monster that resides in purgatory until castiel unleashed them unto the world. The cannot be killed, but cutting off their head or dosing them with borax can slow them down, they bleed black goo.
Dick roman is the leader of the leviathans.
by Deanybobeeny August 20, 2017
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Leviathan: The act of master bating while holding in a poop until the last possible second, so you cum and shit at the same time.
After summoning my leviathan I slept for days
by Freakshow 650r June 2, 2018
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A hot demon from Obey me! shall we date. Shut in Otaku. Always in his room 24/7 and he plays video games. Bottom.

He's an demon with a huge cock.
"You're such a noob lol!!" - Leviathan says
by Deezishot October 2, 2021
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