Curse peopler whole family die. Cantonese proverb
Commonly used in cantonese to express the anger.
A:"Why you spend so much money this month"
B:"Because i like to shopping and sale"
A:"Ham ka leng, give me back my money next month"
B:"Oopppss,i don't have so much money,ham ka leng"
by Sim One July 20, 2010
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an over exaggerated word for peng meaning mighty fine!
pervy boy 1:wow lokk at that girl.
pervy boy 2 : yh shes peng-a-leng-a-ding-dong.
pervy boy 1: word
by dave_rave October 25, 2006
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When a boy or a girl gets just that extra bit too gassed over something
"Yooo that was clean as fuck did you see that".

"Calm down your not leng styll".
by Geyfj September 12, 2020
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