Judah Is an amazing guy who is super smart and caring, he loves to play sports and will always be there for you. Even when there is something hard in his past he still takes it well and continues out in life. He is super hansom and smart and hes the perfect guy for you. He is a super cool kid and he never swears. He also is great at humor. His name means praise.
O my goodness how is Judah so good at life, its like hes hacking!
by dafhaief;lia82187230df November 23, 2021
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A dude who always has millions of women following him around at one point in time. He is smart, short, and cracked at everything
He’s so cool he must be a Judah Robinson
by Goat68 March 28, 2023
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An editing style

made by a popular editor named Judah,

that upon viewed often makes people copy it.
"Bro did you just see scars new video he definitely fell victim to the Judah effect"
by Atlantes March 29, 2022
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A recent trend in Hollywood of using continental Africans (Ham) to play the roles of African-Americans.
They got Daniel Kaluuya playing Fred Hampton. Ham is the new Judah, ahch.
by Sabal Laiwalayam February 22, 2021
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Two people who look cute together and everyone thinks so, but never get together because of mixed signals.
Kenadi: y'all look so cute together!!

Emma: yeah but it would never happen
Kids: judah and emma look so cute too bad they aren't together
Andrew: Just date her dude yall would be like us
Judah: idk man im not so sure about it.
by era777 January 16, 2023
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