robin you ejit why are you not wearing any jeromes
by kate barker February 13, 2005
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A person that is fucking retarded and cant do anything for himself
by jquillens May 16, 2016
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means clothes on a horny person from aberlour
robin ypu bitch why arnt you wearing any jeromes
by albert james grant February 13, 2005
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an aboriginal enjoys the occasional drop of blood. really enjoys eating coon cheese. talks like kermit the frog.
you are such a jezza. nickname Jezzy Wezzy (jerome)
by Jezzy Wezzy 6969 September 4, 2009
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The single, inch long, stray hair typically found protruding from a mole or near the nipple. Often beckens for someone to pull it out.
Damn, man, that jerome on your neck is seriously distracting me. Do something about it or I'm going to pull it out.
by PlanWhat March 7, 2009
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The 16th and incumbent Chair of the Federal Reserve.

Otherwise known as the guy who fucks your puts on SPY by making the printers go brrrrr.
"Shit, my puts on SPY are worthless thanks to Jerome Powell and his printers"
by Long $TP May 10, 2020
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A really cute french guy that makes vines and spreads happiness all around the world through social media, interactions with strangers and through the jerhomies. He is always wearing a big smile and very often motivates people to be happy and love life.
I've just watched the new snapchat story from Jerome Jarre! It's hella rad, makes me wanna smile like crazy!
by ASurpriseParty July 14, 2014
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