A response that you tell a person when they say something that is off topic or not interesting, or if you are just trying to be a little shit.
Guy 1: I just got my G2 today!
Guy 2: Yeah, but I didn't ask.
Guy 1: You're such an asshole.
by Aggin and Aggin March 20, 2017
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A phrase expressed by video game character Adam Jensen (Deus Ex: Human Revolution) after having received robotic augmentations due to a serious injury.

Used to define tragedies, real or otherwise.
Britney Spear's new single. I didn't ask for this.

New season of Two and a Half Men. I didn't ask for this.
by DownloadFailed September 21, 2011
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literally, none cares if you asked or not. go back and crawl into ur mom's womb you fucking fetus. You aren't important in this world for everyone to care about ur opinion. Nobody cares about you and let's keep it that way none wants ur shitty opinion. if you didn't ask fuck off The world doesn't revolve around you. I can say whatever the fuck and I couldn't care less about your shitty-ass opinion. Everything you say isn't important.
guy: dude I didnt ask.... at all
Me: you aren't even that important in this world I mean did ur parents ask for you?
by Lolorator360 December 4, 2021
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A copout response boys often use when they know they are in the wrong, or think they’re cool. When in reality they really are not. petty.
person 1 : i’m going out .
person 2: i didn’t ask
person 1: lol ok????? think your cool?
by 12235567 April 15, 2019
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the most unoriginal and boring way to “roast” somebody

seriously, stop saying it. i dont give a flying fuck if you didnt ask i said it because i thought it was worth saying. fucking asshole.
guy:i got an nvidia rtx yesterday!
guy 2:i didnt ask
guy:shut the fucking hell up fucking loser.
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The worst comeback in the world. Use this, and you’ll be ridiculed and hated by everyone around you.
Guy 1: Hey should I watch the new Toy Story?
Guy 2: I didn’t ask.
Guy 1: You’re such an asshole.
by cosmiselite September 3, 2020
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A quote used by most arseholes in society to express little interest in what someone is trying to say, even when the speaker can be trying to engage in a conversation and show up events in their life, opinions, or personality traits.
Can be redeemed if you are the victim by saying “I didn’t ask if you asked”
Speaker 1- “I find this song a heavy criticism of our government and states power and i like the lyrics”
Dickhead 1- “ I didn’t ask
Speaker 1- “I didn’t ask if you asked”
Dickhead 1-“I didn’t ask if you asked if I asked”
Speaker 1-“I didn’t ask if you asked if I asked if you asked”
And so oooonnnnnnnn......
by 0lstr060 May 18, 2021
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